The people have spoken. ~ Ginger
Luckily it's all bull s***. -Jacob
The relic of the hand of Saint Teresa of Avila on the left, the Infinity Gauntlet on the right... try unseeing this.
Most places in the US people buy a spot for their family member that is supposed to be everlasting. In Europe however it's common practi...
【稳纳家用梯】稳纳 梯子家用伸缩折叠人字梯加厚多功能楼梯 ...:2021-6-12 · 【稳纳家用梯】京东JD.COM提供稳纳家用梯正品行货,并包括稳纳家用梯网购指南,以及稳纳家用梯图片、家用梯参数、家用梯评论、家用梯心得、家用梯技巧等信息,网购稳纳家用梯上京东,放心 …
An old one that has been shared a lot recently:
This is unbelievable.
逃离塔科夫在那里买? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-11-7 · 自己注册账号(需要梯子) 注册时请勿使用QQ邮箱 淘宝购买请注意筛选黑卡店家,购买时请索要购买凭证、付款凭证 请勿咸鱼购买二手账号,风险极大 俄罗斯重要节日购买有优惠 非土豪不差钱请勿购买黑边,毛子最近一直在砍黑边福利,dlc遥遥无期
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Sounds About Right... #SocialismSucks
Happy Easter Sunday From Turning Point USA! 🐰
Happy Easter! I have never been happier or more content because your Country is doing so well, with an Economy that is the talk of the Wo...
So True! #GunsSaveLives
Socialism Is Rooted In GREED! #SocialismSucks
We will not allow the media to hide the GOOD stories and our many accomplishments!
Want To See The Result Of America's Failed Government Education System?? Just Look At Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! #SocialismSucks
This Is Unacceptable...
Sad But True... #CommunismKills
The FAKE NEWS refuses to report on the many GREAT things we are doing for our country!
Dr. Ben Carson Is Right... Big Government SUCKS!
It's time for them to move on!
Why didn’t President Obama act when he first heard of Russian interference?
Are you guys ready for the zombie pig apocalypse? My Patreon
Obama, the DNC, Hillary, and the FBI all colluded to try and take Trump down with their phony dossier! They still can't stand that he bea...
The only possible crime was committed by Obama and the FBI spying on Trump's campaign!